About Money Mailer®

Your Ultimate Source For Local Savings!

Money Mailer has been delivering the best local savings to American homes since 1979. We help people SAVE money on all of their household needs and have become a shopping resource for the entire family.

Our bright, red-white-and-blue envelopes are chock full of the best local offers. They arrive in homes across the country every month. When you explore your Money Mailer, envelope you’ll find exciting deals from your favorite neighborhood businesses, ranging from food & fun to home improvement.

With Money Mailer you can also save electronically by accessing digital coupons online, in your email, on social media, and on the go when you download the Money Mailer® mobile app.

We make it easy to explore deals, shop local and most importantly, we help you SAVE money!
Money Mailer® envelope with app and website

We Help Local Businesses Get & Keep More Customers

  • We help businesses grow by providing advertising that generates both print and digital response, month after month.
  • We reach an audience of consumers that has higher than average income and the ability and the willingness to spend more on products and services.
  • We bring consumer advertisements from a diverse group of local businesses, always with an emphasis on great offers that consumers want.
  • Our direct mail envelope is oversized, allowing clients to tell a bigger and better story about their business.
  • We drive traffic to digital properties and have the analytics to prove it. This allows us to claim the business we bring to our clients.
  • We provide advertising expertise and service and are dedicated to helping businesses grow.