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Andy Timmons

34329 Indian River Drive
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Get Directions (302) 236-7349

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Visit Andy Timmons in Dagsboro

About Andy Timmons

Team Timmons is made up of lead agents Andy Timmons and John Timmons. Together this team offers over 50 years of combined real estate experience delivering to clients the expertise of a veteran real estate team. This experience has given Team Timmons the opportunity to work with first time home buyers, retirees, singles and families desiring to make a change in their lives and location. With the team of Andy and John, the client receives professional customer services. Their techniques of analytical marketing, advertising and business planning assure a successful close of each transaction. Team Timmons vows to always keep the needs of the client their number one priority while never losing sight of honesty, loyalty, understanding, accountability and creativity. This is what differentiates Team Timmons from the real estate masses.

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