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Visit Cerberus in Hamilton

About Cerberus

Cerberus strives to be your first choice for technology repair. That’s why we offer not only quality work and competitive pricing, but total transparency about our services. Our repair bench is in plain view of the reception area, and all work is done on premises. We pride ourselves in not only fixing computers, but making sure that our customers understand all of their options. If a replacement is going to be cheaper than a repair, we’ll let you know. We believe that developing a relationship of trust with our community is the key to our success. Our technicians know all about the latest hardware and software, and can put that knowledge to use to build you the perfect PC. Whether you need a machine for graphic design, bookkeeping, or gaming, we’ll work with you to design and build a computer custom-tailored to your needs and budget. Cerberus Tech offers professional smartphone and tablet repair services. Our team of mobile specialists has years of experience with both iOS and Android phones and tablets. From screen replacement, to water damage repair, to data recovery or transfer, let Cerberus Tech make your damaged device like new again. Cerberus Technology specializes in the repair of all current video game consoles, whether they be Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. Don’t spend money on a costly replacement system, let Cerberus Tech restore your console to like-new condition! Call us today to find out how our expert technicians and state-of-the-art facilities can make your devices operate to their fullest.

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