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Express Discount Pharmacy & Medical Supplies

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About Express Discount Pharmacy & Medical Supplies

We have the Lowest prices on over 2800 generics in the Tri State area. Why wait to save, Switch now. Why are our prices so low, and the big box stores so high? We get that question a lot! The answer is we price ALL of our generic medications based on what it costs us to acquire them. Most chain pharmacies price their generics off of the brand version list price, even when it only costs them pennies to acquire the generic! Example: Singulair10mg 30 tablets retails for about $250 at any pharmacy. We sell 30 tablets of the generic version Montelukast 10mg for $17, while CVS sells the exact same thing for $136.99, Walgreens for $131.99 and Rite Aid for $144.49. See how that works? If you didn’t have insurance and your price dropped from $250 to $136.99 when you switched from brand to generic you would think you got a great deal correct? Would you still think it was a great deal if you knew you paid $136.99 when you could have gotten for $17??? Express Discount Pharmacy also provide generic medication at $4 for a 30 day supply and $9.99 for a 90 day supply.

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