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Arizona Senior Moving Company

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About Arizona Senior Moving Company

Tom and Melissa Moody have been passionately involved in customer service and hospitality industries in both For-Profit and Non-Profit leadership roles for many years and have always loved to help clients solve their challenges in a caring and compassionate manner. Over the past 30 years, Tom and Melissa have managed many moves, packed and unpacked hundreds of boxes, sorted and organized belongings and memories so that their family could live comfortably at each stage of their lives. After managing their parents’ downsize and relocation, Tom and Melissa believed they should use all their professional experience and skills to provide the same loving, respectful, stress reducing services for as many other seniors as possible. Their main objective is to be great listeners to their clients’ needs and to provide industry leading customer service so their clients can move through the relocation, downsizing or Aging-In-Place process in a peaceful, efficient manner. Tom and Melissa would be delighted to have the opportunity to serve you and your family as you consider the best approach to your upcoming transition. Please call today to schedule a Free Consultation!

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